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Using Social Media Securely

Social media is a big part of people’s everyday life. It can connect us with our family and friends, inform us about upcoming events, and is used more now than ever. Here are some tips for keeping your social media usage secure.

  • Use a strong password that is unique to a single account. You can help keep your passwords organized, strong, and secure by using a password manager like LastPass (LastPass is free!).
  • Use two-factor authentication! This way if you password is stolen you have an extra layer of protection.
  • Check your security settings, some apps request access to more than you might want to share.
  • Consider setting your profile to private so that you are only sharing information with people you know.
  • Only share what you would be ok with having printed on the front page of the newspaper. Even with an account set to private, information can travel far, and quickly! If in doubt, don’t share it.
  • Disable location services unless you absolutely need it. Oversharing your physical location can become a liability.
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