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Lock iconMost people are aware that plugging unknown USB drives into your computer is probably a bad idea, but what about using charging cables from unknown sources? Articles from both Forbes magazine (link HERE) and Vice (link HERE) have some pretty wild news out of the hacking conference DEFCON about targeted charging cable attacks.

Hackers have developed charging cables that look legitimate and will actually charge your phone, but also open your device up to their prying eyes where they can steal the info on the phone and any passwords you enter. A direct quote from the maker of these cables (who goes by the pseudonym MG) states “It’s like being able to sit at the keyboard and mouse of the victim but without actually being there.”

The moral of the story is to only use your own charging cables. If you’re in a pinch while traveling and forgot your cable, the best bet is to purchase a new one rather than borrow one from the lost and found of your hotel.

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